Monday 11 April 2011

Hero Recon Team: Cyclops

An aggressive villain by nature, Cyclops was born to tear Hero's apart. Don't be fooled by his unarmed appearance, Cyclops has massive iron claws for up close combat and a searing hot laser beam emitted straight from his lone eagle eye which can spot hero's a mile away. Although he prefers to work alone, Cyclops has teamed up with some other notorious villains and launched an attack on a coal mine were the most explosive material in the known galaxy is rumoured to be buried. When the Hero Recon Team arrives Cyclops sees his chance to destroy some hero's the old fashion way, up close and personal.


  1. Very cool moc. I love how you did the feet and head. Very creative.

  2. Thanks, in the early stages I wanted a grey two eyed head, it took ages and nothing looked very good. I then went with a one eyed approach and it was a lot easier and looked a lot better. I was a bit stumped with the feet because of the lac of colour but I'm very happy with how they turned out. Thanks again Gresh96 :)
